HD15 to BNC
The RetroTINK cable series is a line of very high quality coaxial interconnects for the best possible video:
- HD15 (VGA) plus audio (3.5mm) to 5 BNC (Red, Green, Blue, Hsync, Vsync) plus RCA stereo audio.
- Impedance controlled 75Ω mini-coax for all video signal lines: Red, Green, Blue, Hsync, Vsync
- Shielded audio to minimize AV crosstalk
- Global shield over entire bundle to minimize noise pickup
- 6ft length
- The cable does not have a sync combiner - a valid composite sync signal must be present on HD15 Pin 13 if your display does not support seperate sync
- There is no signal conversion - it will not scale high resolution VGA computer sources to standard definition TV
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